In the name of Almighty allah the most merciful.
May allah bless you brother & bless your faithful friend & all the true Faithfull’s “ AL Ansar” and may alhah accept your allegiance .
قال الله تعالى ( إن الذين يبايعونك إنما يبايعون الله يد الله فوق أيديهم فمن نكث فإنما ينكث على نفسه ومن أوفى بما عاهد عليه الله فسيؤتيه أجرا عظيما ) صدق الله العظيم
I thank you for your replay and your replay prove that you had used your mind to judge then you find the true as clear as the sun in the sky and then Allah had showed you the true road .
قال الله تعالى (والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وإن الله لمع المحسنين) صدق الله العظيم
We ask almighty allah to meet with you and the true imam al Mahdi Naser Mohammed al Yemany for the major Allegiance in Mecca After the ratification.
Peace on the Messengers & the Righteous servant.
Remark :
Am not sure if you have to write another post with your allegiance in the allegiance Forum here :
May dear brothers in the management forum advice you.